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    @ZenMaster This is ScriptHookV.log

    // GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Dec 15 2024, v1.0.3411.0)
    // (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2024
    [17:24:26] INIT: Started
    [17:24:26] INIT: Success, game version is VER_1_0_3411_0
    [17:24:31] INIT: Registering script 'HandWeaponsRangeIncrease.asi' (0x00007FFF50FC4960)
    [17:24:31] INIT: Registering script 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF2C9FE6A0)
    [17:24:31] INIT: Registering script 'LuaPlugin_ForUsers.asi' (0x00007FFF2AB4E6A0)
    [17:24:32] INIT: Registering script 'ParachuteOnAllCars.asi' (0x00007FFF48F54CC0)
    [17:24:32] INIT: Registering script 'PLD.asi' (0x00007FFF49004EF0)
    [17:24:32] INIT: Registering script 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFF426F2800)
    [17:24:37] INIT: Pool 1 extended
    [17:24:37] INIT: Pool 2 extended
    [17:24:37] INIT: Pool 3 extended
    [17:24:37] INIT: Pool 4 extended
    [17:24:43] INIT: GtaThread collection size 189
    [17:24:43] INIT: wnd proc 0x00007FFF4274F9E0
    [17:24:43] INIT: IDXGISwapChain 0x00007FFF67F1A000 (0x00007FFF67E818C0)
    [17:24:43] INIT: IDXGISwapChain set
    [17:24:43] INIT: DX init started
    [17:24:43] INIT: DX feature level B000
    [17:24:43] INIT: DX init succeeded
    [17:25:19] CORE: Creating threads
    [17:25:19] CORE: Created 13 threads (including control)
    [17:25:19] CORE: Waiting to launch 'GhostReplay.asi' (0x00007FFF41B6BC20), id 4
    [17:25:19] CORE: Waiting to launch 'HandWeaponsRangeIncrease.asi' (0x00007FFF50FC4960), id 5
    [17:25:19] CORE: Waiting to launch 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF2C9FE6A0), id 6
    [17:25:19] CORE: Waiting to launch 'LuaPlugin_ForUsers.asi' (0x00007FFF2AB4E6A0), id 7
    [17:25:19] CORE: Waiting to launch 'ParachuteOnAllCars.asi' (0x00007FFF48F54CC0), id 11
    [17:25:19] CORE: Waiting to launch 'PLD.asi' (0x00007FFF49004EF0), id 12
    [17:25:19] CORE: Waiting to launch 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFF426F2800), id 13
    [17:25:28] CORE: Launching main() for 'GhostReplay.asi' (0x00007FFF41B6BC20), id 4
    [17:25:30] CORE: Launching main() for 'HandWeaponsRangeIncrease.asi' (0x00007FFF50FC4960), id 5
    [17:25:30] CORE: Launching main() for 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF2C9FE6A0), id 6
    [17:25:30] CORE: Launching main() for 'LuaPlugin_ForUsers.asi' (0x00007FFF2AB4E6A0), id 7
    [17:25:30] CORE: Launching main() for 'ParachuteOnAllCars.asi' (0x00007FFF48F54CC0), id 11
    [17:25:30] CORE: Launching main() for 'PLD.asi' (0x00007FFF49004EF0), id 12
    [17:25:30] CORE: Launching main() for 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFF426F2800), id 13
    [17:29:25] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi'
    [17:29:25] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'PLD.asi'
    [17:29:25] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'ParachuteOnAllCars.asi'
    [17:29:25] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'HandWeaponsRangeIncrease.asi'
    [17:29:25] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'GhostReplay.asi'

    This is the ScriptHookVDotNet.log

    [17:25:30] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll ...
    [17:25:30] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet3.dll ...
    [17:25:30] [WARNING] ScriptingVDotNet3.dll is not loaded, and therefore ScriptHookVDotNet can't have the console work except for displaying logs. You should make sure the dll file is in the root directory, so the console can work. You can't reload scripts via the console because it is not working properly.
    [17:25:30] [DEBUG] Initializing NativeMemory members...
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from H:\\scripts ...
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly iFruitAddon2.dll ...
    [17:25:31] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in iFruitAddon2.dll resolved to API version 2.11.6 (target API version: 2.10.5).
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly IndependenceDay.dll ...
    [17:25:31] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in IndependenceDay.dll resolved to API version 3.7.0 (target API version: 3.7.0).
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly LemonUI.SHVDN2.dll ...
    [17:25:31] [INFO] Found 0 script(s) in LemonUI.SHVDN2.dll (target API version: 2.10.12).
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly LemonUI.SHVDN3.dll ...
    [17:25:31] [INFO] Found 0 script(s) in LemonUI.SHVDN3.dll (target API version: 3.6.0).
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NativeUI.dll ...
    [17:25:31] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in NativeUI.dll resolved to API version 2.11.6 (target API version: 2.10.9).
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NAudio.Asio.dll ...
    [17:25:31] [INFO] Found no compatible scripts in NAudio.Asio.dll but loaded for scripts.
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NAudio.Core.dll ...
    [17:25:31] [INFO] Found no compatible scripts in NAudio.Core.dll but loaded for scripts.
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NAudio.dll ...
    [17:25:31] [INFO] Found no compatible scripts in NAudio.dll but loaded for scripts.
    [17:25:31] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NAudio.Midi.dll ...
    [17:25:32] [INFO] Found no compatible scripts in NAudio.Midi.dll but loaded for scripts.
    [17:25:32] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NAudio.Wasapi.dll ...
    [17:25:32] [INFO] Found no compatible scripts in NAudio.Wasapi.dll but loaded for scripts.
    [17:25:32] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NAudio.WinForms.dll ...
    [17:25:32] [INFO] Found no compatible scripts in NAudio.WinForms.dll but loaded for scripts.
    [17:25:32] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NAudio.WinMM.dll ...

    I'll try the new version. If the error still exists, it may be a problem with the game itself.

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    10 часов назад
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    @ZenMaster I tried to change the Insert and then enter the game to test. Please tell me how to export the error LOG location so that I can upload it here.

    11 часов назад
  • Default

    @ZenMaster I have changed the game to Scripthook1.0.3411. The mods folder is also regenerated. After installing the script, it still does not work... I also replaced the latest ScriptHookVDotNet-v3.7.0-nightly.17..... The error message of the game is as follows:
    Unhandled exception in

    NullReferenceException 在
    ck(Object sender, EventArgs

    12 часов назад
  • Default

    @ZenMaster ScriptHookVDotNet-v3.7.0-nightly.17 and heapadjuster -- PackfileLimitAdjuster have been installed. After installing the module in the game, pressing ctrl+d in the game does not work at all--Game version 1.69.3258 Pure version

    16 часов назад
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    @Sagx After installing it, it does not work in the game

  • Default

    @JohnFromGWN FiveM The script seems to be out of date. I installed it and the video cannot be played. It would be great if developers like you could fix it.

  • Default

    @JohnFromGWN It would be great if you could enable your TV to support inputting URL links to play programs from YouTube or other video sites

  • Default

    @ikt Tried it and it didn't work. Also installed ScriptHookV3.7.0 and LemonUI.SHVDN3 game version 1.69.3258

  • Default

    @PedPal After replacing ScriptHookVDotNet and updating to version 3.7.0, the script can be run in the game. After starting O+N, a prompt popped up [INFO: 3 scripts are running
    but are using the v2 APl
    which is deprecated and not
    actively supported.lt may
    stop being supported in the
    future, disabling to run the
    scripts, You could contact the
    author(s) or find alternatives
    to avoid the issue. See the
    console outputs or the log file
    for more details] Will it affect the script?

  • Default

    @PedPal Logs after version 1.70.3411 LemonUI has also been installed with version 2.1.2
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet3.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts ...
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading assembly ChaosResponse.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading assembly FlareVehicleSave.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [WARNING] Unable to resolve API version 3.7.0.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading assembly iFruitAddon2.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in iFruitAddon2.dll resolved to API 2.11.6.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading assembly LemonUI.SHVDN2.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Found 0 script(s) in LemonUI.SHVDN2.dll.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading assembly LemonUI.SHVDN3.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Found 0 script(s) in LemonUI.SHVDN3.dll.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NativeUI.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in NativeUI.dll resolved to API 2.11.6.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NAudio.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Found 0 script(s) in NAudio.dll.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Loading assembly Waze.dll ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Found 2 script(s) in Waze.dll resolved to API 2.11.6.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Instantiating script iFruitAddon2.iFruitAddon2 ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Started script iFruitAddon2.iFruitAddon2.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Instantiating script NativeUI.BigMessageThread ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Started script NativeUI.BigMessageThread.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Instantiating script Waze.GPS ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Started script Waze.GPS.
    [14:18:58] [DEBUG] Instantiating script Waze.VehicleFunctions ...
    [14:18:58] [INFO] Started script Waze.VehicleFunctions.
    [14:18:59] [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception:
    System.TypeInitializationException: “SHVDN.NativeMemory”的类型初始值设定项引发异常。 ---> System.NullReferenceException: 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。
    在 SHVDN.NativeMemory..cctor()
    --- 内部异常堆栈跟踪的结尾 ---
    在 SHVDN.NativeMemory.GetHashKey(String key)
    在 Waze.VehicleFunctions.Cheating(String Cheat)
    在 Waze.VehicleFunctions.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    在 SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    [14:18:59] [ERROR] The exception was thrown while executing the script Waze.VehicleFunctions.
    [14:18:59] [WARNING] Aborted script Waze.VehicleFunctions.
    在 System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
    在 System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
    在 SHVDN.Script.Abort()
    在 SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    在 SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()

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