
Shootdodge: The Sequel 1.4.1 (shvdn-nightly.116/newer)

3 963

Thanks to jedijosh920 for the original mod

I like Max Payne and Shootdodge's great mod. Unfortunately, it's outdated. I decided to revive it and added stuffs to make it better.
Showcase video above is from v0.9, new changes below, read till the end

  • Bullet Meter HUD (texture by Dragononandon) acts as a limit to balance gameplay, forces you to think strategically
  • Weapon drains bullet meter differently, Pistols drain slower compared to Rifle
  • Bullet meter will be filled very slowly, but killing people will fill the time meter faster
  • Sound effects implemented
  • Better controller\gamepad support (read Usage below)
  • Bullet meter HUD and Sound can be deactivated inside .ini config
  • Config for changing time scale and dodging forces (in case the jump is too high for you, read incompatibility below)
  • Character will stay prone on the floor in aiming mode on landing unless move keys are pressed
  • Works with Dual Wield Reboot with some limitations

Installation and Usage:
Inside the rar there are 3 things: Shootdodge.dll, Shootdodge.ini and the Shootdodge folder.
Put all of them into /scripts folder, the usual for script mods, located in gta main folder
After installation, In-game you can shootdodge by pressing J. You can change the key in the .ini config with some other stuff. For controller, double-click Reload button to use it.

ScriptHookVDotNet3. I strongly recommend the Nightly Version
This script was made on game version 3179

If you like my work and have spare change, feel free to donate here 😁

  • Mistakenly choosing melee weapons in the middle of diving will break animation
  • Legs will get through the ground when landing on slopes or uneven ground. It looks weird but not important so I'll ignore this
  • Faster fire rate (v1.3) doesn't affect the gun sounds, the gun still sounds like it shoots at slowed fire rate, but if you look at the bullet holes it shoots at normal speed
  • Physics/ragdoll mods affect this mod, adjust forward/upward forces accordingly in the .ini config to prevent jumping too far/high
Slow-mo mods will conflict if activated simultaneously. SilverFinish's KillCam works but after Kill Cam-ing, the dodging will end too
Physics/ragdoll mods will affect this mod. The jump height & push forward force when diving are indeed affected, you need to adjust the forward & upward forces in the config to suit your game if you use one.

If you have errors/crashes, comment here or contact me on Discord.
Giving stupid rating without asking for help first is stupid move, will be reported
You need to be on 5mods Discord server to add me as a friend

1.4.1 - Added option to disable falling from high ground, suggested by cameroncoolage
1.4.0 - Added screen shakes when landing to show impact, suggested by bloolol
1.3.1 - Fixed crash on shvdn nigthly version above 115
  • Now works with Dual Wield Reboot 1.1 with limitation (see Dual Wield page)
  • Added wider camera view (Thanks to JoyLucien), you can turn it off in the config
  • Added faster gun fire rate (shoot normal speed on slow-mo), you can turn it off in the config
  • INI config now moved inside Shootdodge folder. Added proper error handling when textures or INI are missing
  • Better hud textures, now in dds instead of png format
  • Better controller support, now shootdodge by double-clicking Reload button instead of Aim first then Jump. It means no more overlapping with the player rolling, and the button is more reachable
  • Changed diagonal leaping direction, char facing correctly
  • Default config changed, forces reduced a bit more
  • Small code refactoring
  • Changed the forces delivery, now unpredictable forces mostly fixed, leaping-landing curve is smoother
  • Fixed the endless floating bug on slopes (slopes still not recommended tho)
  • Height limit to ragdoll raised back. You can jump from higher places
  • Now if health is below 50% the time will slow a little bit more (read config)
  • Default config adjusted closer to what Max Payne 3 values (jump is not far but high, same level as enemy's head)
  • Removed hud delay, configs and codes refactoring
  • Tightened the height limit to ragdoll to reduce floating bugs around stairs/slopes
  • Sound overhaul: added heartbeat sfx, ambient sounds reduced when shootdodging, removed loud gun bang on the intro
  • Configs overhaul: forces and timescale can now be adjusted, added adjustable hud update delay to lighten script load
  • Running vs walking will produce a slightly different boost unless the inconsistency bug breaks the forces
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Первая загрузка: 16 мая 2024
Последнее обновление: 29 сентября 2024
Последнее скачивание: 5 часов назад

All Versions

 1.4.1 (shvdn-nightly.116/newer) (current)

1 516 загрузки , 166,0 КБ
29 сентября 2024

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