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  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650
  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650

    wheres the model

  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650

    [17:52:09] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll ...
    [17:52:09] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet3.dll ...
    [17:52:09] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts ...
    [17:52:09] [DEBUG] Loading assembly Better Chases+.dll ...
    [17:52:10] [INFO] Found 6 script(s) in Better Chases+.dll resolved to API 3.0.4.
    [17:52:10] [DEBUG] Loading assembly BikeTricks.dll ...
    [17:52:10] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in BikeTricks.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:10] [DEBUG] Loading assembly ClearScript.dll ...
    [17:52:10] [INFO] Found 0 script(s) in ClearScript.dll.
    [17:52:10] [DEBUG] Loading assembly DanceMenu.dll ...
    [17:52:10] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in DanceMenu.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:10] [DEBUG] Loading assembly Disarm.dll ...
    [17:52:10] [WARNING] Resolving API version 0.0.0.
    [17:52:10] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in Disarm.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:10] [DEBUG] Loading assembly IdleCamDisabler.dll ...
    [17:52:10] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in IdleCamDisabler.dll resolved to API 3.0.4.
    [17:52:10] [DEBUG] Loading assembly iFruitAddon2.dll ...
    [17:52:10] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in iFruitAddon2.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:10] [DEBUG] Loading assembly LSlife.dll ...
    [17:52:11] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in LSlife.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:11] [DEBUG] Loading assembly MapEditor.dll ...
    [17:52:11] [INFO] Found 2 script(s) in MapEditor.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:11] [DEBUG] Loading assembly MPA.dll ...
    [17:52:11] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in MPA.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:11] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NativeUI.dll ...
    [17:52:11] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in NativeUI.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:11] [DEBUG] Loading assembly Persistence.dll ...
    [17:52:11] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in Persistence.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:11] [DEBUG] Loading assembly PullMeOver.dll ...
    [17:52:12] [INFO] Found 2 script(s) in PullMeOver.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:12] [DEBUG] Loading assembly PullYaGunzOut.dll ...
    [17:52:12] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in PullYaGunzOut.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:12] [DEBUG] Loading assembly SmallTrailer.dll ...
    [17:52:12] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in SmallTrailer.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:12] [DEBUG] Loading assembly Stolen.dll ...
    [17:52:12] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in Stolen.dll resolved to API 2.10.13.
    [17:52:12] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BetterChasesPlus.ArrestWarrants ...
    [17:52:13] [INFO] Started script BetterChasesPlus.ArrestWarrants.
    [17:52:13] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BetterChasesPlus.BetterChases+BetterChasesActive ...
    [17:52:13] [INFO] Started script BetterChasesPlus.BetterChases+BetterChasesActive.
    [17:52:13] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BetterChasesPlus.BetterChases+BetterChasesPassive ...
    [17:52:13] [INFO] Started script BetterChasesPlus.BetterChases+BetterChasesPassive.
    [17:52:13] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BetterChasesPlus.Config ...
    [17:52:15] [INFO] Started script BetterChasesPlus.Config.
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BetterChasesPlus.Renderer ...
    [17:52:15] [INFO] Started script BetterChasesPlus.Renderer.
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BetterChasesPlus.Witnesses ...
    [17:52:15] [INFO] Started script BetterChasesPlus.Witnesses.
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BikeTricks.BikeTricks ...
    [17:52:15] [INFO] Started script BikeTricks.BikeTricks.
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script Disarm.Main ...
    [17:52:15] [INFO] Started script Disarm.Main.
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script IdleCamDisabler.Main ...
    [17:52:15] [INFO] Started script IdleCamDisabler.Main.
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script iFruitAddon2.iFruitAddon2 ...
    [17:52:15] [INFO] Started script iFruitAddon2.iFruitAddon2.
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script LSlife.LSL ...
    [17:52:15] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script LSlife.LSL because constructor threw an exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'NativeUI.UIMenuSliderItem' from assembly 'NativeUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
    at LSlife.LSL.Setup()
    at LSlife.LSL..ctor()
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script MapEditor.JavascriptHook ...
    [17:52:15] [INFO] Started script MapEditor.JavascriptHook.
    [17:52:15] [DEBUG] Instantiating script MapEditor.MapEditor ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script MapEditor.MapEditor.
    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script NativeUITemplate ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script NativeUITemplate.
    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script NativeUITemplate ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script NativeUITemplate1.
    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script NativeUI.BigMessageThread ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script NativeUI.BigMessageThread.
    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script Persistence.Persistence ...
    [17:52:16] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script Persistence.Persistence because constructor threw an exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Metadata, Version=1.0.613.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
    File name: 'Metadata, Version=1.0.613.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
    at Persistence.Persistence..ctor()

    WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
    To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
    Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
    To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].

    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script PullMeOver.PullMeOverMain ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script PullMeOver.PullMeOverMain.
    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script PullMeOver.SpeedDisplay ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script PullMeOver.SpeedDisplay.
    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script PullYaGunzOut.Pull ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script PullYaGunzOut.Pull.
    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script SmallTrailer.STrailer ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script SmallTrailer.STrailer.
    [17:52:16] [DEBUG] Instantiating script Stolen ...
    [17:52:16] [INFO] Started script Stolen.

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    21 декабря 2020
  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650

    @mcal9909 I renamed none too Insert

    21 декабря 2020
  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650

    For some reason this mod wont work for me I installed it multiple times with all the requirments but am having no luck

    21 декабря 2020
  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650

    saved me from the game crashes I was having thanks

    19 декабря 2020
  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650
  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650

    Where can we get the dreads mod in the first pic?

    15 октября 2020
  • Af5f92 img 20190920 155701 650

    Yo where can we get the hair model

    10 октября 2020