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as in.. it's like the mod isn't there. no crashes or anything, it's just like without it.
i followed the steps in the readme and it doesn't work.
nvm, i started the game up again and now it works. no idea y.
thx for the mod :)
it doesn't work. i have script hook V (.net, too) and native ui installed. the menu is there, it just doesn't change anything when i flip it on.
is nativeiu installed by just putting nativeui.dll in the scripts folder or do i have to do sth. other than that?
i installed it using the oiv installer package but now files are corrupted :/
also, what is "safe state when leave"?
the settings file doesn't contain opening all doors
at least i haven't found it yet
substitute = replace?
soo.. google translator tells me substitute means about the same thing as replace. so 4. 5. and 6. are pretty much the same things only with different files and defragmentation only with 5 & 6?
in 4. it says "and subsitute: prop_big_shit_01.ydr and prop_big_shit_02.ydr " what does that mean? how do i 'substitute' these files?
and is replacing files as in 5. and 6. the same as adding the newer file in 3.?