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    I noticed that sometimes my companion will take over the wheel and drive for me, but I can't seem to figure out how to reproduce that. How do I trigger it manually?

    20 сентября 2022
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    @HKH191 It crashed once before I could hit the reload button, but the second time was pretty much the same as my previous comment. The apartment fails to load, I can't recruit anyone, and the ore file didn't load

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    I haven't been able to get this mod to work. I followed the instructions on the description to the letter, but after pressing insert to load everything, I get two little notifications on the left side of my screen saying config.ini failed to load, and companion apartment failed to load. Pressing F4 opens some sort of console log saying lemonui isn't supported (or something, the text overlaps itself) and that this mod's "core" file failed to load as well.

    I was really hoping for a buddy to roll with but I guess that's just not happening. Oh well, it's a decent idea at the very least :)