
Speed Control 2.5

5 291

--What This Mod Does.
Use the Number Pad to make your player go really fast in any direction you want. Also Works in vehicles (cars,boats,planes,bikes).
Also use the Number pad to make your car go from 0 to 300mph
(Speed Boost)
(Stop Instantly)
(Backwards Boost)
(Works with Trainers, enable and disable the mod with F9) (changeable)

Key Bindings (Changeable).

Enable Mod -F9
Disable Mod -F9

Change in-game settings

Change setting mode - (Boost_Speed, Spin_Speed,Spin_rotations,Spin_Direction)
Change Value = RIGHT ARROW
Change Vakue = LEFT ARROW

(example, to change Boost_Speed, you press the down arrow until you get to boost_speed, and press the right arrow to increase it, and left to decrease it)
(disable the mod to reset to default)

--Move Player & Vehicle (Num Lock Must Be On)
Forward --- NUMB8
Backward --- NUMB2
Right --- NUMB6
Left --- NUMB4
Up --- NUMB5
Down -- NUMB0
Spin = NUMB decimal
fix vehicle = NUMB 1
Freeze/Unfreeze Toggle = NUMB Slash (/)
forward -- NUMB Multiply
back -- NUMB Minus
stop -- NUMB Plus
Spawn Inside A Vette -- NUMB9
spawn on a bati = NUMB 7

Controller support:::::::::::::::::::
Hold L3 and Push the right stick Up, down left or right to boost,
Hold L3 and A to stop
L3 + RB to fix the car your in, or spawn either a vette or a batti if your not in a car

How to change keys:.
Open speedControl.lua with notepad, and change the key values with the the chart provided in the speedControl.lua file.

-Added spin forward, and backward
- added spawn vette or bati on controller
- added fix vehicle on controller
- added in game settings
- added more screenshots
- cleaned up code
- bug fixes
--added spin function
--added in-game speed settings
--Text for mod enabled and disabled shown on screen 100 ticks
--Controller support
--LUA 10.1 support
--added right and left boost for vehicle
--added player forward,backward,left,right boost
--added spawn Vette
-USES LUA-V10.1 PLUGIN (If Mod isn't working, update the LUA plugin)

Player and vehicle north, south, east, west, up, and down acceleration
And freeze player and vehicle, all bound to the numb-pad, customizable.
With an enable and disable mod hot-key,
.This Mod Is Now Open Source :)
change whatever you want, redistribute it, I don't care :)
.Tweaks to the code
.fixed back boost not working :)

. fixed back boost not working bug
. fixed wrong default key codes

-Install scripthook
-Install lua plugin
-place speedControl.lua in scripts/addins folder
- start gta5 , and press F9 to enable this mod (Press F9 again to disable it)


Android app:.
You can use Macropad, an android app that lets you bind keys to a button on your phone, check it out at http://kapcode.net

- down arrow will cycle trough the in-game settings that the right and left arrows will effect. (boost speed, boost acceleration, spin speed, spin rotations, MOD_MODE---(modes are.. Player/Vehicle, Surrounding Peds/Vehicles))

-make code more efficient

-more screenshots

-Java application to change key-bindings without messing with the code

-better in-game settings (with GUI)
Show Full Description

Первая загрузка: 14 мая 2015
Последнее обновление: 3 июня 2015
Последнее скачивание: 10 часов назад

All Versions

 2.5 (current)

5 291 загрузки , 6,0 КБ
14 мая 2015

35 комментариев