Omega Cam 0.5.S1
1 551
1 551
---------- Changelog ------
0.5.S1: The End Is Near
0.5.S0: Still Alive \oXo/
20-03-19 UPDATE 21:58
OmegaCam: Now Is FREE ... Cam
Visit GtaForums for more Knowledge
Enjoy Astral Projection
Courtesy of the Stars
First of all install ScriptHookV to your game folder.
Unzip both files to the same folder and replace:
OmegaCam.txt -- test/password > Omega/NickName
Where NickName can be any word of your choice.
There could be other rooms, just Omega for now.
I also recommend installing Enhanced Native Trainer
and use Ultimate Perfect Game Save as entry point.
You can find a map of the controls in GtaForums
but their meaning... still has to be discovered.
Be sure to include OmegaCam.txt
and modify it with your NickName
This is a social experiment
inspired by Chiliad Mystery
Is not a challenge for players,
but for the whole community.
Just remember there will be no explanation
until you, the players, decide to arrange it.
I know there are many questions to answer,
well, it is a pleasure I am reserving for you.
Help each other... inspire them.
That said, here are some clues:
Chiliad Mystery:
Let's Crack Some Easter Eggs
Hold R1/Q and Press DPAD/M3
Example: Q and Mouse Wheel
and Share Your Experience
You found the spectrometer,
and is the one from Omega.
Works like some kind of radar
that can detect alien signals.
See you on the other side, brother,
but that side has caught our friend.
There are some power on those things.
It seems like Epsilon was chasing it ...
What do the mighty do with their power?
They use it to watch people, of course.
Something big is happening at this time,
I think... an alien invasion is beginning.
There are many things I just can't explain,
but Maze Bank was a good place to start.
I found five of them in that area,
but I have no news of any other.
If my fears were true ...
there will be many more.
Help me please, help us.
Any hint is appreciated.
0.5.S1: The End Is Near
0.5.S0: Still Alive \oXo/
20-03-19 UPDATE 21:58
OmegaCam: Now Is FREE ... Cam
Visit GtaForums for more Knowledge
Enjoy Astral Projection
Courtesy of the Stars
First of all install ScriptHookV to your game folder.
Unzip both files to the same folder and replace:
OmegaCam.txt -- test/password > Omega/NickName
Where NickName can be any word of your choice.
There could be other rooms, just Omega for now.
I also recommend installing Enhanced Native Trainer
and use Ultimate Perfect Game Save as entry point.
You can find a map of the controls in GtaForums
but their meaning... still has to be discovered.
Be sure to include OmegaCam.txt
and modify it with your NickName
This is a social experiment
inspired by Chiliad Mystery
Is not a challenge for players,
but for the whole community.
Just remember there will be no explanation
until you, the players, decide to arrange it.
I know there are many questions to answer,
well, it is a pleasure I am reserving for you.
Help each other... inspire them.
That said, here are some clues:
Chiliad Mystery:
Let's Crack Some Easter Eggs
Hold R1/Q and Press DPAD/M3
Example: Q and Mouse Wheel
and Share Your Experience
You found the spectrometer,
and is the one from Omega.
Works like some kind of radar
that can detect alien signals.
See you on the other side, brother,
but that side has caught our friend.
There are some power on those things.
It seems like Epsilon was chasing it ...
What do the mighty do with their power?
They use it to watch people, of course.
Something big is happening at this time,
I think... an alien invasion is beginning.
There are many things I just can't explain,
but Maze Bank was a good place to start.
I found five of them in that area,
but I have no news of any other.
If my fears were true ...
there will be many more.
Help me please, help us.
Any hint is appreciated.
Первая загрузка: 4 июля 2017
Последнее обновление: 24 октября 2018
Последнее скачивание: 8 дней назад
20 комментариев
---------- Changelog ------
0.5.S1: The End Is Near
0.5.S0: Still Alive \oXo/
20-03-19 UPDATE 21:58
OmegaCam: Now Is FREE ... Cam
Visit GtaForums for more Knowledge
Enjoy Astral Projection
Courtesy of the Stars
First of all install ScriptHookV to your game folder.
Unzip both files to the same folder and replace:
OmegaCam.txt -- test/password > Omega/NickName
Where NickName can be any word of your choice.
There could be other rooms, just Omega for now.
I also recommend installing Enhanced Native Trainer
and use Ultimate Perfect Game Save as entry point.
You can find a map of the controls in GtaForums
but their meaning... still has to be discovered.
Be sure to include OmegaCam.txt
and modify it with your NickName
This is a social experiment
inspired by Chiliad Mystery
Is not a challenge for players,
but for the whole community.
Just remember there will be no explanation
until you, the players, decide to arrange it.
I know there are many questions to answer,
well, it is a pleasure I am reserving for you.
Help each other... inspire them.
That said, here are some clues:
Chiliad Mystery:
Let's Crack Some Easter Eggs
Hold R1/Q and Press DPAD/M3
Example: Q and Mouse Wheel
and Share Your Experience
You found the spectrometer,
and is the one from Omega.
Works like some kind of radar
that can detect alien signals.
See you on the other side, brother,
but that side has caught our friend.
There are some power on those things.
It seems like Epsilon was chasing it ...
What do the mighty do with their power?
They use it to watch people, of course.
Something big is happening at this time,
I think... an alien invasion is beginning.
There are many things I just can't explain,
but Maze Bank was a good place to start.
I found five of them in that area,
but I have no news of any other.
If my fears were true ...
there will be many more.
Help me please, help us.
Any hint is appreciated.
0.5.S1: The End Is Near
0.5.S0: Still Alive \oXo/
20-03-19 UPDATE 21:58
OmegaCam: Now Is FREE ... Cam
Visit GtaForums for more Knowledge
Enjoy Astral Projection
Courtesy of the Stars
First of all install ScriptHookV to your game folder.
Unzip both files to the same folder and replace:
OmegaCam.txt -- test/password > Omega/NickName
Where NickName can be any word of your choice.
There could be other rooms, just Omega for now.
I also recommend installing Enhanced Native Trainer
and use Ultimate Perfect Game Save as entry point.
You can find a map of the controls in GtaForums
but their meaning... still has to be discovered.
Be sure to include OmegaCam.txt
and modify it with your NickName
This is a social experiment
inspired by Chiliad Mystery
Is not a challenge for players,
but for the whole community.
Just remember there will be no explanation
until you, the players, decide to arrange it.
I know there are many questions to answer,
well, it is a pleasure I am reserving for you.
Help each other... inspire them.
That said, here are some clues:
Chiliad Mystery:
Let's Crack Some Easter Eggs
Hold R1/Q and Press DPAD/M3
Example: Q and Mouse Wheel
and Share Your Experience
You found the spectrometer,
and is the one from Omega.
Works like some kind of radar
that can detect alien signals.
See you on the other side, brother,
but that side has caught our friend.
There are some power on those things.
It seems like Epsilon was chasing it ...
What do the mighty do with their power?
They use it to watch people, of course.
Something big is happening at this time,
I think... an alien invasion is beginning.
There are many things I just can't explain,
but Maze Bank was a good place to start.
I found five of them in that area,
but I have no news of any other.
If my fears were true ...
there will be many more.
Help me please, help us.
Any hint is appreciated.
Первая загрузка: 4 июля 2017
Последнее обновление: 24 октября 2018
Последнее скачивание: 8 дней назад
The FreeCam is the Reward for Finding the Eggs
you will have to play to unlock that kind of power
and I am not hiding the eggs on your computer.
Despite the description being cringy as f*ck, this is finally something original in this sad scripts category.
This is meant to be played with a controller.
Press R1+UP to search for the alien eggs.
Remember to Visit the GtaForums.
@DubStar The description says "You found the spectrometer" but when I activate the mod with Q+Middle Mouse Button (I have no controller) then all I get is a message "Travelling the protogalaxy" and that's it. No spectrometer, no nothing. How can we be sure this mod is even working before we go egg hunting?
Another question: Why does this mod connect to a server? I have always a bad feeling when something communicates with the internet which I have no control over.
I will change my rating once things are cleared up.
This was, originally, a Mystery Hunting Tool,
including a FreeCam to help with the search.
You should now try to roll that mouse wheel.
There is also a tool to Send Coordinates,
they are sent when you press that button.
You can then retrieve it from this website:
Remember it was a mystery hunting tool... the eggs
were supposed to be a secret that I could not keep.
Think they are hidden in time, as you participate...
Next Significant Date is 20/08/2017 19:00 UTC
- First Five Eggs will appear Near Maze Bank -
I hope you at least enjoy the FreeCam.
Press Q+ALT to view the Coordinates.
Removed my bad rating until further progress. New rating depends.
So what's up with this now? Looks like this thing has died right from the start.
Yes, the San Andreas edition has become much more popular.
I'm not updating this anymore, you can still crack this mystery.
Please make the freecam a seperate entity without any connecting to third party servers.
There are two New Versions available,
both containing various minor bugfixes.
Now there are Two Seasons coming into play. The first one, (S1)
has come to an end the last Solstice, it contains all the eggs.
Few are the players who have managed to solve it,
now they enjoy a power that they have truly earned.
But for those who still find it very complicated, (S0)
there is a New Season beginning, next Equinox.
Until then, you will enjoy all the features of the mod.
Especially the FreeCam that liked so many people.
KIFFLOM, Brother Brothers...
See you on the Other Server.
There is no changelog. Why was this approved?!?
I'm sorry... I didn't know there is a rule for that.
We have published more info in GtaForums.
The keyboard controls are more intuitive
... and there is an Slow Motion feature.
Just fixed some... playability issues.
There is the Final Update for S01 Seasons
Now you can Enable the FreeCam with
... Left and Right Mouse Buttons so
you will not DoubleClick anymore.
These new Versions are Compatible
... with our Online GT-MP Servers
now You can Hunt with Friends.
Also, there is an VR mode that
Resizes the Vertical FoV up to
90º (to Play with VorpX: 0.75)
There Will be no more updates
... until T01 Seasons Begins
They will Include more Easter Eggs,
Teleport System and Time Machine.
But there is Still a Lot to do Before
Like a Menu ... a Command Line
and a CEF Navigator with wich
you can Retrieve more Clues.
This is a very ambitious project
our Mta San Andreas Servers
are also Reaching its Final
revision. - Coopera 5.0S
Our plan is stop here and let you
Time enought, to Discover and
Enjoy Every Detail, while we
Work on MTA-V servers.
Then will be a new Release where
The 3 Mods are Perfectly in sync
We should Meet a Calendar so
each Discovery is Legitimate.
All three Games are now connected
and each Easter Egg you will Find
have some Value in MultiPlayer.
So ... we can just say: there are
Hundreds of kids from another
World, looking for their Eggs
... In the Wrong Place.
You said in the description, "Few are the players who have managed to solve it,
now they enjoy a power that they have truly earned.". Truth is the old version never worked. We talked about it, remember? So apparently you lied about that. Another 'mystery' is the suspicious network activity my firewall reported.
Yes, it worked very well, all the time. You just didn't manage to activate it.
Not because of you not finding the eggs ... you didn't find the controls.
They were exposed on GtaForums from the begining ... you should
investigate, but you have also to try new things. This is a mystery.
The game is not telling you what to do, or why, is designed to
measure the initiative of the players ... not their obedience.
The suspicious network activity is just because you
are sending those coordinates to Omega, so you
can retrieve them from our webpage and see
... wich are the hottest areas on the map.
If you are Afraid ... from Omega Powers
just Let this ... and remember that from
RockStar to IAA ... are spying on you
... they are just not sharing with you.
This is not for everybody, and is not adviced
so you think everything is perfect, an easy.
Like Chiliad Mystery. You will not see a
lot of players Presuming of what you
can still achieve. There are powers
that you must discover yourself.
... There is a reason because
those players dont help you.
Play San Andreas and Ask
for the Power of the Gods
and how they managed
to Occult that Power.
It is about recognition,
supply and demand,
and their wisdom
is their armour.
I am a Player from Coopera Mta
and Looking for Gta V players
to Negotiate about the Eggs
we have a lot of knowledge
about this great mystery
but I can't talk here
Contact Me on
... at Discord
Thanks ...
This update includes a single bugfix:
Player was Aiming/Attacking while
Entering/Leaving both Freecams
Gods Are Watching
Demon Is Coming
...and a lot of bullshit is being spilled! Because
vivid mysteries and mysterious internet traffic
combined with some cringy sockpuppetry
is enough for a sane player to simply
put this "modification" right where it
belongs - which is a trash bin
Kifflom, have some eggnog
We are Very Proud, that our security remains undefeated
after 2 Years of Testing and Not a single server update.
This is a Challenge, remember, Not for the players ...
While that Internet Traffic remains "Mysterious"
you Will have Nothing to do, ... Against This.
But, sincerely, we have nothing to hide.
This was Initially Developed as a Proof of Concept
about how Rockstar, and New Companies will be
Able to Truly Hide some "Powers",... from
any CodeWalker out there. And This is
a Technology that was not available
at the time of releasing Gta V, but
You Will See more of this and
Bigger Mysteries,... soon.
No More Spoilers
No More Cheats
Bigger Worlds,
are Coming.