
GameplayFixesV 2.0

E25e82 gameplayfixesv
6491dd gameplayfixesv

31 697

Open-source script that aims to address some of the numerous issues GTA:V has.

This mod is does not patch the game directly, and should thus last more without active maintenance. It only makes use of in-game natives.

Use the INI to configure it to your liking. I highly suggest you to read through all the options and decide which one to enable, with particular attention to the ones that could possibly cause issues with the game story (those which don't say anything have been tested and work fine with the story). All options can be enabled or disabled independently from one another.

Requires ScriptHookV
Installation: simply extract the ASI inside the game's root directory (where you have installed GTA:V, not inside the "scripts" folder).

- Reload the INI config with F12 (key can be changed)

- Enable friendly fire
- Disable action mode
- Allow enemies that hit the player's weapon (or hands) to disarm the player, similar to RDR and GTA:IV
- Clean the player's wounds and dirt as he gradually enters the water
- Sprint inside interiors
      - Works in b1180 & later, but doesn't in b372. Don't know in between
- Allow weapons inside the safehouse
      - Will break some story missions, but shouldn't otherwise have problems in normal free-roam

Player Controls:
- Disable assisted movement (when a player follows a path automatically while moving forward, eg. Floyd's apartment entrance)
- Toggle walking for first person by pressing (and not holding) the sprint button (X on PS / A on XBOX)
- Disable auto-centering of the gameplay camera
- Force the gameplay camera to follow the vehicle when using the handbrake
- Disable the First Person View
      - Requires at least b372
- Disable the idle camera that activates when the player stands still for too long
- Disable the replay recording feature completely
- Disable the player's mobile phone

Player Vehicle:
- Disable mid-air car controls and the ability to rotate the player's vehicle while stuck/upside down
- Disable the automatic explosion after the player's vehicle collides with something at high speeds
- Disable engine fire/smoke
- Leave the engine on when exiting a vehicle unless the player keeps the exit vehicle button pressed for 250ms. Exactly like GTA:IV
- Disable the auto-centering of the player vehicle's wheels on exit
      - While this is universally compatible, it could cause some issues with mission vehicles. Disable if necessary
- Keeps the current position of the player vehicle's hydraulics on enter/exit
      - Requires at least b505
- Allow helicopter's rotors to affect the movement of dynamic water bodies, similar to GTA:IV
- Block player from entering ragdoll when standing on car roofs
      - The max speed the player can reach before entering ragdoll is customizable inside the INI
- Prevent the player from flying through the windscreen
- Prevent the player from falling off bikes
- Prevent other peds from dragging the player out of his vehicle
- Disable the forced jump out when entering a water body with a bike (the player will still jump out if completely submerged)
- Disable all stunt jumps around the map

- Allow the game to continue when the pause menu is active, similar to GTA:Online
      - The game can still be paused by pressing the "ESC" key instead of the "P" key.
- Disable the blur and color filter on the pause menu
- Disable all on-screen effects in menus and HUD (weapon wheel, radio wheel, character switch, etc.)
- Disable the on-screen effects when the player is using a special ability
- Allow the player to switch between normal minimap size and extended, similar to GTA:Online
- Force a specified zoom level of the minimap
- Flatten the minimap view.
- Reveal all the map (hide the "Fog Of War")
- Hide direction and distance indicator under the minimap when a waypoint is set
- Hide the depth indicators under the minimap when inside a submersible
- Hide the health, armour and ability bar under the minimap
      - Requires at least b372
- Show remaining stamina instead of armour in the blue bar below the minimap
- Hide specific HUD component(s)
- Hide the weapon reticle
- Hide enemy's blips from the (mini)map. Also applies to police

- Disable the dynamic music that plays when wanted
- Disable the police scanner voice that plays when wanted
- Disable the dynamic music that plays when flying
- Disable all non-music radio content (ads, etc.)
- Disable vehicle's radio auto-start (radio will be turned off by default, unless the engine is running)

- Block peds from entering the "writhe" state and consequently dying
- Block peds from entering the "hurt" state when shot while standing and consequently dying (or entering writhe)
      - Should be enabled in tandem with "DisableWritheWhenInjured", makes shootouts last much longer
- Force peds to get up instead of shooting when they fall on the ground with their backs
- Make (most) sitting peds behave normally when shot, instead of dying instantly
- Allow enemies that hit the ped's weapon (or hands) to disarm NPCs
- Allow mission peds to be damaged by other entities and not only the player
- Disable dead peds from jumping out of the vehicle they are in

v2.0 - Changelog:
- ReloadIniKey, FiveM support resource files
- Player:
      - DisableActionMode, CleanWoundsAndDirtInWater
- Player Control:
      - DisableAssistedMovement, DisableCameraAutoCenter, DisableFirstPersonView, DisableIdleCamera
- Player Vehicle:
      - KeepCarHydraulicsPosition, EnableHeliWaterPhysics, DisableFlyThroughWindscreen, DisableBikeKnockOff, DisableDragOutCar
- HUD:
      - AllowGameExecutionOnPauseMenu, DisablePauseMenuPostFX, DisableHUDPostFX, DisableSpecialAbilityPostFX, EnableBigMapToggle, SetRadarZoom, DisableMinimapTilt, HideMinimapFog, HideMinimapBars, HideAbilityBarForNonMainCharacters, AlwaysHideAbilityBar, ReplaceArmourBarWithStamina, HideMinimapSatNav, HideMinimapDepth, HideHudComponents, HideWeaponReticle, HideEnemiesBlips
- Audio:
      - DisableWantedMusic, DisablePoliceScanner, DisableFlyingMusic, DisableRadioInterruptions, DefaultVehicleRadioOff
- Peds:
      - DisableShootFromGround
- DisableWheelsAutoCenterOnCarExit, DisarmPedWhenShot, DisableMobilePhone, LeaveEngineOnWhenExitingVehicles
- PlayerCanJackFriendlyPeds

v1.2 - Changelog:
- CamFollowVehicleDuringHandbrake / CamFollowVehDelay - Force gameplay camera to follow the vehicle when using the handbrake
- DisableStuntJumps - Disables all stunt jumps around the map
- DisableMobilePhone - Disables the player's mobile phone
DisableEngineSmoke and DisableEngineFire now work as intended

v1.1 - Changelog:
- DisarmPlayerWhenShot / DisarmPedWhenShot - Allow enemies that hit the player's weapon (or hands) to disarm the player, similar to RDR and GTA:IV. Adjust DisarmChance and DisarmIncludeLeftHand at your liking. Inspired by jedijosh920's Disarm
- ToggleFPSWalking - Allow player to toggle between jogging and walking in FPS mode. Inspired by chinagreenelvis's Walk Toggle
- DisableEngineFire - Disable engine fires when engine health reaches below 0. Also disables automatic vehicle explosion after engine healt reaches -4000
- DisableEngineSmoke - Same as DisableEngineFire, but the threshold is set to 400. Prevents the engine from smoking and catching fire
- DisableRecording - Disable the replay recording feature completely
- Improved friendly fire code allowing player to perform melee lockon on friendly peds
- Allow player to still have control of wheel steering when vehicle is stuck
- Allow player to switch characters while inside the safehouse (AllowWeaponsInsideSafeHouse is now disabled by default)
- Made the LeaveEngineOnWhenExitingVehicles option more similar to GTA:IV's


If you find a bug leave a comment and I'll try to fix it, feedback is always appreciated.
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Первая загрузка: 28 января 2024
Последнее обновление: 15 августа 2024
Последнее скачивание: 17 минут назад

All Versions

 2.0 (current)

15 247 загрузки , 140,0 КБ
15 августа 2024


8 817 загрузки , 94,0 КБ
28 марта 2024


6 444 загрузки , 93,0 КБ
2 февраля 2024


1 117 загрузки , 90,0 КБ
28 января 2024

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