S.R.I. Pack (Romanian Intelligence Service) 1.05
RO: In acest pachet sunt incluse autospecialele Serviciului Roman de Informatii. Nu toate sunt folosite si in realitate, asa ca am decis sa adaug, in plus, cateva vehicule ce mi se par adecvate. Aceste texturi pot fi folosite atat pe LSPDFR, cat si pe serverele de FiveM (cu precizarea ca owner-ul server-ului sa imi ceara in scris, pe mail, permisiunea de a le utiliza; orice abatere va fi sanctionata). Pe viitor, am in vedere adaugarea unor masini noi la acest pack (nu dau spoilere :D). Sper sa va placa si distractie placuta!
Atentie: Imi rezerv in totalitate drepturile asupra texturilor create, orice republicare a acestora fara permisiunea mea va fi sanctionata!
1. Descarcati vehiculele de pe link-urile oferite de mine;
2. Instalati-le corespunzator, conform instructiunilor scrise de creatorii acestora. Recomandarea mea este sa le puneti in ultimul patchday;
3. Inlocuiti fisierele .ytd cu cele din pack-ul meu;
4. Intrati pe joc si testati-le. Daca aveti vreo nelamurire, va astept intrebarile in sectiunea de comentarii sau pe adresa mea de mail.
EN: In this pack are included vehicles of Romanian Intelligence Service. Not all of them are used in real life, so I decided to add a few extra cars which I thought were appropriate. This textures can be used both on LSPDFR and FiveM (with the indication that the owner of the server have to ask me for my permission, on my mail; any deviation will be sanctioned). In the future, I consider adding a few more vehicles to this pack (I don't give spoilers :D). I hope you will like it and have fun!
Attention: I fully reserve the rights for the created textures, any republication of them without my permission will be sanctioned!
1. Download the vehicles from the links provided by me;
2. Install them properly, according to the instructions written by their creators. My recommendation is to put them in the last patchday;
3. Replace the .ytd files with the ones from my pack;
4. Get in the game and test them. If you have any concerns, I expect your questions in the comments section or on my mail address.
MAIL: abbasidaniel71@gmail.com
1. Volkswagen T5 (Volkswagen T5 Nederlandse Politie / Dutch Police [ELS] [TEMPLATE] [REFLECTIVE] 1.0): Ministerie van Mods;
2. Toyota Hilux (NSWPF Toyota Hilux 1.0.1): MooseYTY.
RO: Nu detin niciun drept asupra vehiculelor create de cei 2 mentionati mai sus si nici asupra emblemei oficiale a Serviciului Roman de Informatii.
EN: I do not own any rights over the vehicles created by those mentioned above and neither for the official emblem of the Romanian Intelligence Service.
!---Skins made by Directoru' General---!
Versiunea 1.00 (26.10.2019)
-> Adaugarea vehiculului "Volkswagen T5", cu caroserie albastra si cu inscriptii de culoare galbena ale Brigazii Antiteroriste;
-> Adaugarea vehiculului "Toyota Hilux", cu caroserie albastra si cu inscriptii de culoare galbena ale diviziei de Interventii Pirotehnice din cadrul S.R.I..
Versiunea 1.05 (06.01.2020)
-> Adaugarea unei versiuni cu caroserie neagra pentru vehiculul 'Volkswagen T5". Inscriptiile nu s-au modificat.
Version 1.00 (26.10.2019)
-> Addition of the vehicle "Volkswagen T5", with blue body and yellow inscriptions of the Anti-Terrorist Brigade;
-> Addition of the vehicle "Toyota Hilux", with blue body and yellow inscriptions of the division of Pyrotechnic Interventions from the Romanian Intelligence Service.
Version 1.05 (06.01.2020)
-> Adding a black body version for the 'Volkswagen T5'. The yellow inscriptions have not changed.
Atentie: Imi rezerv in totalitate drepturile asupra texturilor create, orice republicare a acestora fara permisiunea mea va fi sanctionata!
1. Descarcati vehiculele de pe link-urile oferite de mine;
2. Instalati-le corespunzator, conform instructiunilor scrise de creatorii acestora. Recomandarea mea este sa le puneti in ultimul patchday;
3. Inlocuiti fisierele .ytd cu cele din pack-ul meu;
4. Intrati pe joc si testati-le. Daca aveti vreo nelamurire, va astept intrebarile in sectiunea de comentarii sau pe adresa mea de mail.
EN: In this pack are included vehicles of Romanian Intelligence Service. Not all of them are used in real life, so I decided to add a few extra cars which I thought were appropriate. This textures can be used both on LSPDFR and FiveM (with the indication that the owner of the server have to ask me for my permission, on my mail; any deviation will be sanctioned). In the future, I consider adding a few more vehicles to this pack (I don't give spoilers :D). I hope you will like it and have fun!
Attention: I fully reserve the rights for the created textures, any republication of them without my permission will be sanctioned!
1. Download the vehicles from the links provided by me;
2. Install them properly, according to the instructions written by their creators. My recommendation is to put them in the last patchday;
3. Replace the .ytd files with the ones from my pack;
4. Get in the game and test them. If you have any concerns, I expect your questions in the comments section or on my mail address.
MAIL: abbasidaniel71@gmail.com
1. Volkswagen T5 (Volkswagen T5 Nederlandse Politie / Dutch Police [ELS] [TEMPLATE] [REFLECTIVE] 1.0): Ministerie van Mods;
2. Toyota Hilux (NSWPF Toyota Hilux 1.0.1): MooseYTY.
RO: Nu detin niciun drept asupra vehiculelor create de cei 2 mentionati mai sus si nici asupra emblemei oficiale a Serviciului Roman de Informatii.
EN: I do not own any rights over the vehicles created by those mentioned above and neither for the official emblem of the Romanian Intelligence Service.
!---Skins made by Directoru' General---!
Versiunea 1.00 (26.10.2019)
-> Adaugarea vehiculului "Volkswagen T5", cu caroserie albastra si cu inscriptii de culoare galbena ale Brigazii Antiteroriste;
-> Adaugarea vehiculului "Toyota Hilux", cu caroserie albastra si cu inscriptii de culoare galbena ale diviziei de Interventii Pirotehnice din cadrul S.R.I..
Versiunea 1.05 (06.01.2020)
-> Adaugarea unei versiuni cu caroserie neagra pentru vehiculul 'Volkswagen T5". Inscriptiile nu s-au modificat.
Version 1.00 (26.10.2019)
-> Addition of the vehicle "Volkswagen T5", with blue body and yellow inscriptions of the Anti-Terrorist Brigade;
-> Addition of the vehicle "Toyota Hilux", with blue body and yellow inscriptions of the division of Pyrotechnic Interventions from the Romanian Intelligence Service.
Version 1.05 (06.01.2020)
-> Adding a black body version for the 'Volkswagen T5'. The yellow inscriptions have not changed.
Первая загрузка: 26 октября 2019
Последнее обновление: 6 января 2020
Последнее скачивание: 8 дней назад
11 комментариев
RO: In acest pachet sunt incluse autospecialele Serviciului Roman de Informatii. Nu toate sunt folosite si in realitate, asa ca am decis sa adaug, in plus, cateva vehicule ce mi se par adecvate. Aceste texturi pot fi folosite atat pe LSPDFR, cat si pe serverele de FiveM (cu precizarea ca owner-ul server-ului sa imi ceara in scris, pe mail, permisiunea de a le utiliza; orice abatere va fi sanctionata). Pe viitor, am in vedere adaugarea unor masini noi la acest pack (nu dau spoilere :D). Sper sa va placa si distractie placuta!
Atentie: Imi rezerv in totalitate drepturile asupra texturilor create, orice republicare a acestora fara permisiunea mea va fi sanctionata!
1. Descarcati vehiculele de pe link-urile oferite de mine;
2. Instalati-le corespunzator, conform instructiunilor scrise de creatorii acestora. Recomandarea mea este sa le puneti in ultimul patchday;
3. Inlocuiti fisierele .ytd cu cele din pack-ul meu;
4. Intrati pe joc si testati-le. Daca aveti vreo nelamurire, va astept intrebarile in sectiunea de comentarii sau pe adresa mea de mail.
EN: In this pack are included vehicles of Romanian Intelligence Service. Not all of them are used in real life, so I decided to add a few extra cars which I thought were appropriate. This textures can be used both on LSPDFR and FiveM (with the indication that the owner of the server have to ask me for my permission, on my mail; any deviation will be sanctioned). In the future, I consider adding a few more vehicles to this pack (I don't give spoilers :D). I hope you will like it and have fun!
Attention: I fully reserve the rights for the created textures, any republication of them without my permission will be sanctioned!
1. Download the vehicles from the links provided by me;
2. Install them properly, according to the instructions written by their creators. My recommendation is to put them in the last patchday;
3. Replace the .ytd files with the ones from my pack;
4. Get in the game and test them. If you have any concerns, I expect your questions in the comments section or on my mail address.
MAIL: abbasidaniel71@gmail.com
1. Volkswagen T5 (Volkswagen T5 Nederlandse Politie / Dutch Police [ELS] [TEMPLATE] [REFLECTIVE] 1.0): Ministerie van Mods;
2. Toyota Hilux (NSWPF Toyota Hilux 1.0.1): MooseYTY.
RO: Nu detin niciun drept asupra vehiculelor create de cei 2 mentionati mai sus si nici asupra emblemei oficiale a Serviciului Roman de Informatii.
EN: I do not own any rights over the vehicles created by those mentioned above and neither for the official emblem of the Romanian Intelligence Service.
!---Skins made by Directoru' General---!
Versiunea 1.00 (26.10.2019)
-> Adaugarea vehiculului "Volkswagen T5", cu caroserie albastra si cu inscriptii de culoare galbena ale Brigazii Antiteroriste;
-> Adaugarea vehiculului "Toyota Hilux", cu caroserie albastra si cu inscriptii de culoare galbena ale diviziei de Interventii Pirotehnice din cadrul S.R.I..
Versiunea 1.05 (06.01.2020)
-> Adaugarea unei versiuni cu caroserie neagra pentru vehiculul 'Volkswagen T5". Inscriptiile nu s-au modificat.
Version 1.00 (26.10.2019)
-> Addition of the vehicle "Volkswagen T5", with blue body and yellow inscriptions of the Anti-Terrorist Brigade;
-> Addition of the vehicle "Toyota Hilux", with blue body and yellow inscriptions of the division of Pyrotechnic Interventions from the Romanian Intelligence Service.
Version 1.05 (06.01.2020)
-> Adding a black body version for the 'Volkswagen T5'. The yellow inscriptions have not changed.
Atentie: Imi rezerv in totalitate drepturile asupra texturilor create, orice republicare a acestora fara permisiunea mea va fi sanctionata!
1. Descarcati vehiculele de pe link-urile oferite de mine;
2. Instalati-le corespunzator, conform instructiunilor scrise de creatorii acestora. Recomandarea mea este sa le puneti in ultimul patchday;
3. Inlocuiti fisierele .ytd cu cele din pack-ul meu;
4. Intrati pe joc si testati-le. Daca aveti vreo nelamurire, va astept intrebarile in sectiunea de comentarii sau pe adresa mea de mail.
EN: In this pack are included vehicles of Romanian Intelligence Service. Not all of them are used in real life, so I decided to add a few extra cars which I thought were appropriate. This textures can be used both on LSPDFR and FiveM (with the indication that the owner of the server have to ask me for my permission, on my mail; any deviation will be sanctioned). In the future, I consider adding a few more vehicles to this pack (I don't give spoilers :D). I hope you will like it and have fun!
Attention: I fully reserve the rights for the created textures, any republication of them without my permission will be sanctioned!
1. Download the vehicles from the links provided by me;
2. Install them properly, according to the instructions written by their creators. My recommendation is to put them in the last patchday;
3. Replace the .ytd files with the ones from my pack;
4. Get in the game and test them. If you have any concerns, I expect your questions in the comments section or on my mail address.
MAIL: abbasidaniel71@gmail.com
1. Volkswagen T5 (Volkswagen T5 Nederlandse Politie / Dutch Police [ELS] [TEMPLATE] [REFLECTIVE] 1.0): Ministerie van Mods;
2. Toyota Hilux (NSWPF Toyota Hilux 1.0.1): MooseYTY.
RO: Nu detin niciun drept asupra vehiculelor create de cei 2 mentionati mai sus si nici asupra emblemei oficiale a Serviciului Roman de Informatii.
EN: I do not own any rights over the vehicles created by those mentioned above and neither for the official emblem of the Romanian Intelligence Service.
!---Skins made by Directoru' General---!
Versiunea 1.00 (26.10.2019)
-> Adaugarea vehiculului "Volkswagen T5", cu caroserie albastra si cu inscriptii de culoare galbena ale Brigazii Antiteroriste;
-> Adaugarea vehiculului "Toyota Hilux", cu caroserie albastra si cu inscriptii de culoare galbena ale diviziei de Interventii Pirotehnice din cadrul S.R.I..
Versiunea 1.05 (06.01.2020)
-> Adaugarea unei versiuni cu caroserie neagra pentru vehiculul 'Volkswagen T5". Inscriptiile nu s-au modificat.
Version 1.00 (26.10.2019)
-> Addition of the vehicle "Volkswagen T5", with blue body and yellow inscriptions of the Anti-Terrorist Brigade;
-> Addition of the vehicle "Toyota Hilux", with blue body and yellow inscriptions of the division of Pyrotechnic Interventions from the Romanian Intelligence Service.
Version 1.05 (06.01.2020)
-> Adding a black body version for the 'Volkswagen T5'. The yellow inscriptions have not changed.
Первая загрузка: 26 октября 2019
Последнее обновление: 6 января 2020
Последнее скачивание: 8 дней назад
Super Tare Man! Tine-o tot asa !!!
bravo sa faci mai multe moduri romanesti pentru GTA 5
@alin23 @Rogaming26 Multumesc mult pentru sustinere!
Salut, am nevoie pentru lspdfr doar de masina de sri (Gold) dar nu cred ca trebuie puse in patchday22ng . poate imi blocheaza plugingu, macar e els? adica suporta lspdfr?
Ma poti ajuta? zi-mi in ce folder ai bagat GOLF UL
@Davide69Pak Salut! Nu stiu exact la ce masina te referi, insa ambele sunt compatibile cu LSPDFR-ul. Dintre cele doua masini ale pack-ului, doar Volkswagen T5 este ELS. Eu iti recomand sa le instalezi in ultimul patchday cu OpenIV, nu afecteaza niciun plugin (mods -> update -> x64 -> dlcpacks -> patchday21ng -> dlc.rpf -> x64 -> levels -> gta5 -. vehicles.rpf). Sper sa iti mearga.
Traiasca SRI si Directorul General ;)
@alin23 Curand apare si uniforma din poza, momentan asteapta aprobare de la 5mods ;)
@Directoru' General Blana ;)
@Directoru' General Faci cumva si modele 3d s-au doar texturi ?
@alin23 Doar texturi.
@Directoru' General Ok :)