13 572
13 572
An amred version of the Stealth Black Hawk trading it's full stealth for more fire power. Rocket pods and missiles are mounted on external weapon pylons and the middle side doors are opened and have M134 Dillon gatling guns mounted. These are on auto fire and can be controlled by the pilot (thought that making them as passenger turrets would be useless).
Also adds an aerial refueling probe on the front right.
All other features from the standard Ghost Hawk remain the same.
This helicopter replaces the Swift Deluxe (Swift2)
Original model taken from Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Like I have said before, I'm really eager to release more aircraft (military/civillian), helicopters and military vehicles. If you like my work and want to see more, please show your support donating. It helps me affording the things I need to continue modding (ZM3, model files, etc)
And thanks alot for the support I have recieved already :)
(And you could keep up with my YT channel to see WIP videos of upcoming mods)
Also adds an aerial refueling probe on the front right.
All other features from the standard Ghost Hawk remain the same.
This helicopter replaces the Swift Deluxe (Swift2)
Original model taken from Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Like I have said before, I'm really eager to release more aircraft (military/civillian), helicopters and military vehicles. If you like my work and want to see more, please show your support donating. It helps me affording the things I need to continue modding (ZM3, model files, etc)
And thanks alot for the support I have recieved already :)
(And you could keep up with my YT channel to see WIP videos of upcoming mods)
Первая загрузка: 12 февраля 2016
Последнее обновление: 12 февраля 2016
Последнее скачивание: 2 дня назад
75 комментариев
An amred version of the Stealth Black Hawk trading it's full stealth for more fire power. Rocket pods and missiles are mounted on external weapon pylons and the middle side doors are opened and have M134 Dillon gatling guns mounted. These are on auto fire and can be controlled by the pilot (thought that making them as passenger turrets would be useless).
Also adds an aerial refueling probe on the front right.
All other features from the standard Ghost Hawk remain the same.
This helicopter replaces the Swift Deluxe (Swift2)
Original model taken from Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Like I have said before, I'm really eager to release more aircraft (military/civillian), helicopters and military vehicles. If you like my work and want to see more, please show your support donating. It helps me affording the things I need to continue modding (ZM3, model files, etc)
And thanks alot for the support I have recieved already :)
(And you could keep up with my YT channel to see WIP videos of upcoming mods)
Also adds an aerial refueling probe on the front right.
All other features from the standard Ghost Hawk remain the same.
This helicopter replaces the Swift Deluxe (Swift2)
Original model taken from Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Like I have said before, I'm really eager to release more aircraft (military/civillian), helicopters and military vehicles. If you like my work and want to see more, please show your support donating. It helps me affording the things I need to continue modding (ZM3, model files, etc)
And thanks alot for the support I have recieved already :)
(And you could keep up with my YT channel to see WIP videos of upcoming mods)
Первая загрузка: 12 февраля 2016
Последнее обновление: 12 февраля 2016
Последнее скачивание: 2 дня назад
The problem you mention seems like a Handling error... can you try with default swift2 handling?
@SkylineGTRFreak ok i will try that.... so change all except for the handling meta? Im really trying to get the hang of this modding and follow all instruction but i guess for some people like me an install video could come in handy lol.
@SkylineGTRFreak nope, still dont work... :-( i dont get it... already tried 3 times in a row, put everything back original and started over... have no idea what i did wrong...
i use this trainer to spawn it, could that have anything to do with it?
Enhanced Native Trainer Update 28
@SkylineGTRFreak : could read this message please: my plane he is so I try to fix it the more it is never ordinary WHAT can be? https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12321596_1660238610902711_5480715174589557596_n.jpg?oh=9e2e423640b956c01bdace805ab81ddf&oe=576720DF&__gda__=1462125160_14dec2327b678a6b1fe65da2166b5b32
@SkylineGTRFreak Btw I've added a mounted turret to it and I've got an idea how I could make gear + sliding doors + turret working (haven't tested it yet) without a script. If I succeed I could tell you how and you could add it to you regular Ghost Hawk.
I think I figured out why it crashes:
I had this installed, worked fine, then I had to reinstall whole Game and redo the Mods. When I came to this one it would crash when spawning. Tried 3 times failing, then I took it slow. I noticed I was pasting the Handling wrong, out of habit. Just pasted the Handling more carefully and now it works like a charm ;-D
Can't aim well because the crosshair covers the Chopper so u loose 0.5 stars :-P
Change the camera Position maybe.
Any Add-on version of this one? Hate having to replace vanilla vehicles.
Will it work if i replace your SH-60B Seahawk's files with this ones?
Well, i did it. Replaced the Handling.meta, vehicles.meta and models in the dlc.rpf of the seahawk. Now i'm hoping for the best
Hahahaha nope. Crash.
Dayum I Replace For Handling.Meta And It crash
now crash... do not work.
is it normal that i can' t go in first person view
well shit my game crashes now
@SkylineGTRFreak I just found a really cool things! Are you interested to make it?
@SkylineGTRFreak Can you make private jets mods? i'm really dying to get private jets like the bombardier gulfstream or bombardier global, or even a Learjet 65 that would be a great replacement for shamal / luxor
@SkylineGTRFreak sir I almost like and 5star rate the half of your mod created I download but this is the only mod that crash my game but still deserve a rate<3
@KramOnip Could you try this: https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/mh-x-ghosthawk-armed-and-unarmed-add-on
I really really enjoyed this gave it a 5 star right away! Can i request a helicopter add-on? Can you make the Valkyrie MOD.O have 4 miniguns so that 4 "bodyguards" can use? Can you also make the pilot be able to control one of the miniguns just like you did with Ghost Hawk? This would make my year if you do coz i really enjoyed the Hawk. Let me know man, enjoyed your work.