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    @Andras_Beck thanks how do I do that im not very clued up and also do I just overwrite the files to update to newest version??

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    is it because I am finishing and just quiting to desktop maybe altho it saves a screenshot in the mentioned folder ?

    when I get of the bike he just gets back on so cant stop the mod to finish ride whats the best way everyone ! Totally awesome mod by the way tho !!!!

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    hi sorry for late reply been cycling outside god forbid :) I have it working now but the fit fit doesn't show after a short ride in the folder mentioned I am defintly in the right place because there was a fit fit from earlier when I first got it working any ideas??

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    Can not get this to work been trying for hours if anyone can help it just comes up with a error Window the mod where you can teleport etc all working but when you press f5 it just comes up with lots of error messgaes