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@diego4fun2k24 Thank you very much bro,This link was sent to me by the friend who sent me the file,He said some raw mesh files
@diego4fun2k24 Thank you very much brother, the friend who sent me the file just now told me(“Don't worry, must be just a little issue. Tell him to try with a OBJ file format.
I will send some raw Mesh files”)
@diego4fun2k24 Thank you so much for helping brother, I just sent a message to that friend who sent me the file
@diego4fun2k24 Thank you very much, brother
@diego4fun2k24 Hello bro, I just received the file for the ari dokkaebi default skin ,Can you help me fulfill this wish Thank you so much https://mega.nz/file/IeMlGTLY#Zms-y4WE355OJZkCe6pczzO8AQnBo28lWOUUMLF-lWs
The friend told me (“The mesh model specifically is within the .Blend file and the textures can be identified & located by just copying the name of each Material and paste it in the Folder searcher of windows files”)
@diego4fun2k24 Thank you so much bro, I saw an author in nexusmods ,He may have a model of (ari dokkaebi default skin), I just sent him a message
It's been a long time since I've seen such a good player mod !
Glad to see this!Hello bro, can you make a (ari dokkaebi) from mw3 or Warzone,I've been waiting for this, maybe no one will make it
bro,Can you make a Resident Evil 3 remake of Jill Classic skin
very good work,bro can you make this farah:https://kemono.su/patreon/user/64058779/post/77664512
please please