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@DJ-LEXX Thanks man, I really appreciate it
@DJ-LEXX This mod looks great. But I have a question for you, how did you get this ghost recon type of close camera into the game, I tried to find a mod to put a camera like that into the game, but I never found it. If you could tell me how you did it, I would appreciate it.
@Patão_Innertubey A mano, de qualquer forma, muito foda seus mods, e se um dia fizer o Landau, tenho certeza q vai ser foda, parabéns.
@Patão_Innertubey Muito foda mano, mais um mod foda teu. Agora que vc trouxe o Del Rey queria saber se pensa em algum dia fazer o Landau, seria muito massa.
@Stryfaar Hey man now that the world of variety has been updated do you plan to update this mod too?
Amazing mod, keep doing this conversions.
Another great Mod
Great Mod, if you bring other jets and vehicles from the COD universe, it would be amazing man.
@HLinnk Its ok man, great skin mod anyway
@Aziz Kuchkarov Hey man, mods are meant to be fun, for those who make them and for those who use them, your model may have problems, but honestly I'm glad you did, mods don't have to be perfect, they just need to be cool and yours is.