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@youngasia152 when i get in the car im standing up backwards, and when i try to get out of the car i just sit there and cant do anything. i already made sure the vehicles.meta stated <layout>LAYOUT_LOW_RHD</layout> but it still does this. any fix?
when i get in the car im standing up backwards, and when i try to get out of the car i just sit there and cant do anything. i already made sure the vehicles.meta stated <layout>LAYOUT_LOW_RHD</layout> but it still does this. any fix?
@lFAZX when i get in the car im standing up backwards, and when i try to get out of the car i just sit there and cant do anything. i already made sure the vehicles.meta stated <layout>LAYOUT_LOW_RHD</layout> but it still does this. any fix?
wheni get in the car im standing up backwards, and when i try to get out of the car i just sit there and cant do anything. i already made sure the vehicles.meta stated <layout>LAYOUT_LOW_RHD</layout> but it still does this. any fix?