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I'm begging for the add-on version, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi there to me this sound isnt that real but great work! It will be better if you make it more realistic.
thanks for your effort, ill definitely download if you made one
It sounds good!
I dont make mods at all but iam just wondering that is it possible to mod a real car sound?
Did you edit exhaust sound for this mate?
if you put a little bit work on the exhaust sound instead of using the game default, then this would be perfectly nice.
声音很帅很逼真啊, 怎么做到的啊!能不能做很暴力的audi rs6的声音 @NV-Element
I cant get myself out from the exhaust sound! it is so f***king incredible!!!! You may wanna put more effort to make the sound more brutal just like the the Audi RS6. The sound of backfire is amazing. Loving it so much. @skyrix