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@Abolfazldanaee I understand, Maybe we can get someone that can help make these body-kits, wings, roof/hood scoops, for in game. Would love to upgrade and change my car. Here are a few modification ideas https://imgur.com/a/gMhwcge
I'm glad to see you Finnished the car , but I do have one request besides the fixes it needs, Can we please get the Z06 & ZR1 mods. Not new versions but upgrade kits/addons for the paint shops like Benny's. Would make sense to add the Z06 wide body kit & if possible an automatic wing. @00AbOlFaZl00
Can you please work on getting this beauty in the game 2020 Corvette ZR1
Can you please work on getting this beauty in the game 2020 Corvette ZR1
@OYC Organization Can you please work on getting this beauty in the game 2020 Corvette ZR1 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjEmpzS7JXmAhXpUd8KHY23DoYQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpressfrom.info%2Fca%2Fautos%2Fnews%2F-152358-2020-corvette-stingray-already-gets-zr1-treatment-in-new-rendering.html&psig=AOvVaw0D9rWFhu8Igc0B1Krnn1g2&ust=1575337705703334