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I got the mod installed nice and easy.
The menu works too.
I have the cargo doors working fine too.
The problem is, once I'm airborne, GPS set, using autopilot deletes the plane and I start falling down.
And secondly, ignoring autopilot, with a car in place, doors opened, when I "detach" the car hoping to be seated in it, the screen just blacks out for half a second, and then I'm still flying the plane normally.
Practically useless since I'm not transporting cars, I wanna jump out in them. Detach functions works on ground though.
Please help.
Guys? I need to make a movie on this. I crash every time I press alt+F1 with the bubble ship around me. Any help? I don't crash with the green fixed-cockpit one. Only the white one crashes my game. Please help!
Menyoo was so awesome earlier! Now, on the latest version, my game crashes everytime I change to character model to ANYTHING. I cant change the player model AT ALL.
Please help.
Menyoo was so awesome earlier! Now, on the latest version, my game crashes everytime I change to character model to ANYTHING. I cant change the player model AT ALL.
Please help.
So can anyone tell me now if there's a chance at recording the white bubbleship without crashing my game?
Also, why does the cockpit spin around in First Person View?
Everything works amazingly surprisingly. I was actually baffled as to how you managed to make this all.
The only other I face is that the game crashes immediately the moment I spawn a bubbleship while recording with Alt+F1 or if I'm already inside one, and start recording.
The green bubbleship is fine when recording. Only the white one messes up. Please help. Please.
So how exactly am I supposed use the "optional realistic entrance"? Until now, I've only been able to hold F and get teleported inside the cabs. Any help?
The autopilot in your mod is BS. Please remove it, and if nothing, then add the Vautodrive mod, with permission from author. Here is AutoDrive: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/vautodrive
Please do so urgently.
Hate it that it goes to autopilot automatically when I'm going to the cargo hold. Please remove that feature.
Also, the pilots fly like crazy. THAT'S BS.
Actually, I have VAutoDrive installed, so please remove your crappy feature called autopilot. 5 stars 🌟 promise
The latest .NET Scripthook has no "script" folder.
I have tried many script mods, but none work, by using the "scripts" folder I created myself. Can you please help me? I'm absolutely new to modding GTA 5, just have the Menyoo mod, and the railroad engineer mod. Thank you.