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    @normal guy Find SPG.ini and change the Net Notifications to false.

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    @mlgthatsme Disregard earlier comment. I was running it through Mod Manager, which for whatever reason was preventing the SPG.ini from showing up. After putting the mods directly in the directory, it worked.

    So I have two subsequent questions about whether what I want to do will break anything:

    This one is beyond the scope of your mod to some extent, but maybe you'll know anyway: Now that SPG.ini is in there, can I move everything back to the mod manager folder instead of the GTAV directory?

    Second question: Before clearing everything, I copied the contents of the SinglePlayerGarage folder (the one with the buildings and the xml files that I'm assuming store the values for the cars stored in them). Should I be able to copy those contents into the new SinglePlayerGarage folder and access the cars again? I assume I have to rebuy the garages, since I removed SPG.sav as well.

    Thanks for being an awesome modder.

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    @mlgthatsme Where would that be? I can't find it in the main GTA V directory. Or anywhere else.

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    Was working for a few days and stopped. Crashes upon trying to load single player. SPG error message: Unable to connect to remote server. This was running as administrator as well.