
Advanced Gravity Gun 0.3

25 329

Advanced Gravity Gun mod for GTA V by alphazolam
Version 0.3


This gravity gun dislodges most fixed objects - such as mailboxes, payphones and lightposts - to allow you to pick them up and throw them around with normal physics

1. Press right mouse button anytime to aim the gravity gun, and use middle-mouse to pick something up
2. Use the mouse wheel to reel targets in closer or push them away
3. Click to throw the target. Hold the button down for a split second and release to throw it with less energy.
4. Press Q to teleport into a random empty seat of whatever vehicle you are holding. You will warp into the driver's seat if it is free (or if there is a dead driver).
5. Press 'E' to show a colored laser rangefinder. Press E+Middle Mouse Button (while not holding a target) to switch between the old-style fixed targeting (red) or default dynamic targeting (green) for the gravity gun.
6. Press Z to quickly heal/repair the target of your gravity gun. If the target is dead, they will be resurrected. Using it on a destroyed vehicle with multiple dead bodies in it will repair, clean and restart the vehicle, and will resurrect each dead person in the car
7. Grab yourself (by being still and in stealth mode) or grab your own vehicle (by being quick with the camera) and roll the mouse wheel to propel yourself towards or away from whereever the camera is looking. Try it in combination with a parachute to fly like superman as you freefall, or grab your airplane to make insane maneuvers that would be completely impossible in the normal game. You can even grab your own parachute

'B' key (default) = toggle mod off/on. You can tell when it is disabled because pressing right-mouse will no longer show the gravity gun's crosshair (a tiny white dot).

You can always slow/stop a vehicle you are swinging around by looking directly at it as you aim (no matter how fast it is going.)

With ScriptHookV installed, extract and copy AdvancedGravityGun.asi and AdvancedGravityGun.ini to your game directory, and launch the game.

This mod is a more fully-featured gravity gun mod for Grand Theft Auto V, in the vein of the very well developed gravity gun mods for GTA IV. I originally made it because I was unhappy with the inability to push/pull the gravity gun target using the scroll wheel in all the other GTA5 gravity gun mods I'd tried. Swinging a car into the air and watching it come back and slam into the pavement like it was on a bungee cord was one of my favorite things to do in GTA IV. This mod also features two modes, has a special laser-sight, allows for adjustable use of force when throwing, and can be used from anywhere - with or without a weapon.

How to use (in detail):
-Hold down right mouse button to aim the gravity gun (you do not actually have to be aiming any weapon).
-Press middle mouse button while a pedestrian/vehicle/object is in your crosshair and the gravity gun will pick it up.
-Roll the mouse wheel while holding a target to reel it in closer or to push it further away.
-Quickly click left mouse button to throw the target. Hold right mouse button for a split second and release to throw the target with less force. Holding left-mouse-button for 1.5 seconds makes the force at the same level it is when you click quickly (100% force); while holding it for half that time (0.75 seconds) and releasing will throw the entity at 50% force level.
-Press the 'E' key while aiming/holding down right-mouse-button to show the laser-sights. The laser sights are two lines that meet either end of another (vertical) line, which is about the height of a pedestrian.
-Press the middle mouse button while showing the laser sights to switch between the two gravity gun modes:
--When the laser sights are red, the gravity gun is in "classic" mode, where targets are pushed/pulled towards the pre-set holding-coordinates, and the coordinates never change without you rolling the mouse wheel.
--When the laser sights are green, the gravity gun is in "dynamic" mode, where the target is held at the same coordinates that you picked it up from. This is the default mode.

- Extreme range via ray-tracing technique - grab blimps and airliners from the sky!
- Use scroll wheel to forcefully swing the target around, as though it were in an invisible sling.
- Requires no weapon to be aimed - only that an entity is inside your crosshair (or where your crosshair would normally be). Can even be used while driving cars.
- Two modes for picking up entities: one that picks them up from where they are (green), and one that reels them in to the same distance away from you as the previous target (red/classic mode)
- Press 'E' while aiming for laser sights to help you judge depth, and press the pickup button ('MMB') while holding 'E' to change gravity-gun modes.
- Adjust the force of the gravity gun on-the-fly by holding down 'fire' (left-mouse-button) for more or less time
-Resurrect dead targets (peds and vehicles) by pressing Z while holding them
-Teleport into a held vehicle by pressing Q while holding it

Note: The gravity gun currently picks up the target by the center. Also, the gravity gun will sometimes miss cars if it does not hit an exterior part of the car, and passes straight through if you only aim at an interior part of the vehicle. This is true with sniper bullets as well, and is the way in which one can shoot gas tanks from the wrong side of the car.

INI file:
-Uses virtual key codes in the form of something like "0xFF" to mean a key. Use the link provided to set your own hotkeys for the mod ( http://www.kbdedit.com/manual/low_level_vk_list.html )
-Do not change any of the text outside of the brackets or the file will not be read correctly
-Setting "Repair self when repair" to [1] makes it so that when you press the Z button at any time that the mod is not disabled, you and your vehicle will be completely healed

Thank you for downloading!

Version 0.3 Changelog
-teleporting to cars added
-ped resurrections added
-removed MMB explosions because they were annoying
-added INI options for customizing the mod's hotkeys
-blocked certain player actions while aiming the gravity gun
-made it so the previous target will sometimes be picked up if there is nothing in the crosshair during a grab attempt
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Первая загрузка: 8 сентября 2015
Последнее обновление: 22 октября 2016
Последнее скачивание: 9 часов назад

All Versions

 0.3 (current)

25 328 загрузки , 81,0 КБ
8 сентября 2015

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