Johnny Gat Mod
Welcome back!
Looks nice (except the face). :)
haha the face
jesus do you play this on PS 2? This is the worst quality I've ever seen...
@libertz I have a beast computer and Gta V is still sometimes hard to run :/
@FluffGaming what FPS do you usually have?
@libertz Around 40 or 50, it's probably because I'm using an intel card on 16 gb of ram -_-
@FluffGaming Whoa.. so much FPS with such a low quality, dats interesting
@fouzberzerk Waiting for YOUR 11k version :p
@fouzberzerk The graphics just look bad because I installed a low PC mod to boost my fps, I think I should uninstall it and just install your mod.
@fouzberzerk k
What about the shoes m8?
Hi man !
I now it's a big work but if you can, are you okay for create Matt Miller beacause there is not mod abou he and it's my favourite player in saint row 3 and 4.If you are okay can you tell me please ? Thanks fo reading ;)
Ayo there anyway I could get this for franklin? my game cracked 🤦🏾♂️😂