Black Flash Suit
Yeah, taking my Reverse Flash Suit and just turning it into black is a "great" work. You didn't even change the logo from black to white. This is disgusting -_-
If you want I can remove it, I'm not a professional modder I did that just to waste time.
PS: I really liked your Reverse Flash Skin.
@FunningGame no, I didn't mean that I want you to remove it, but I think that you can try to make more difference between Reverse Flash Suit and Black Flash Suit by adding something new to it, some different details.
@OkaymanXXI Well i tried to add more stuff but i couldn't because I don't know how to use photoshop well.
Maybe we can do a cooperation to make cool mods.
Why do most people making texture mod have to make the screenshot at night............
can't you just screenshot in daytime
not to be rude but this is common sense.
@floydandsome I took that in night time beacuse the black flash in The Flash TV Series appears during the night.
@FunningGame But you do know the point of making screenshot is to let ppl know what's the outfit about right?Seriously I cant see anything here just a black blur.
@floydandsome Sorry dude I don't know how to make screenshot I'm not a modder i made that mode just beacause i didn't have nothing to do.
Butgood try for the first time
I dont even know how to deal with those texture stuff.
just make it Zoom from CW i mean we got some Flashes and Reverse Flash maybe Frankline could be Zoom