Adidas NMD Datamosh pack
Hope you enjoy it
Shoutout too @messi3194 for the texture template
His Mod:
Первая загрузка:
24 августа 2017
Последнее обновление:
24 августа 2017
Последнее скачивание:
6 дней назад
shouldve used @polkiens nmd to make this wouldve looked alot better
@messi3194 i know polkiens nmd mod which is fire,but tbh idk how to do textures like this
Fuck,ive done my textures like a noob with Pictures from Flightclub lmao
@Chief Sosa yeah i wouldnt blame you
@messi3194 Do you know a good tutorial Video on YouTube how to do textures like this? :D
@Chief Sosa nah nobody made any
@chief sosa I like the hoodie
@XXXmurder Cause its your mod XD
Btw your mods are very good :D
@Chief Sosa it just takes time and experience