
Simply Vibrant (ReShade)

5 656

These settings have been tweaked by ubtri
(my youtube | my facebook)

Click here to see side-by-side comparison video.

This is an evolution of my previous settings, "Sharp Vibrant Realism." Some comments claim there is an FPS drop, so these settings might be best on high-end machines. This is a tweaked ReShade MasterEffect file that adds more color mainly through the use of Filmicpass & Tonemap. Vibrance is used globally to tone the colors back down and, combined with Bloom, adds a touch of warmth to everything.

ReShade/SweetFX causes huge amounts of lag during Loading Screens. Use 'Pause/Break' key to disable the effects at the start of your game. This is an issue with the ReShade's overlay injection which is out of my control!

  • SMAA
  • Bloom
  • Sharpening (not too much)
  • Vibrance
  • Curves
  • Filmicpass
  • Tonemap

  • In-Game: Turn ON FXAA & turn OFF SMAA for better performance with these settings.

    Thanks to the ReShade team (Crosire, Marty McFly) for developing these tools!

    Copy the contents of this pack into your main GTAV installation directory. Pause/Break toggles it On/Off.

    For ReShade updates, or to try other dll versions, please visit http://reshade.me/.
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    Загружено: 7 мая 2015
    Последнее скачивание: час назад

    All Versions


    5 656 загрузки , 8,0 МБ
    7 мая 2015

    16 комментариев